Wednesday 30 June 2010

Knitting Adventures

Like Winter in July...

Following my moderately successful attendance on a knitting course, I've been going crazy buying books and kits so I can practise my new skills. Knitting seems like an odd pastime to start in the Summer but I am enjoying it, so hey...

One of the reasons I think the knitting course was so successful if that we were taught using 9mm needles and chunky wool. However, I was aware I needed some practise with smaller needles, so I started with a knitted flag project from Kids Learn to Knit by Lucinda Guy and Francois Hall. These are simple garter stitch squares on 4mm needles. I embellished them with lots of fancy buttons from my stash to hide the dodgy knitting.

I then moved on to my first attempt at felting. I bought the fab Easy Peasy Purse Kit from Sheepfold, which specialises in British wool. The purse is knitted in all garter stitch with 5.5mm needles and aran wool. I decided to dispense with the plaited strap, partly because I didn't think it was necessary and partly because I have no faith in my plaiting skills.

I felted the purse by washing it twice at 60 degrees. I had to dig out my washing machine's instruction manual as I'd never washed anything on such a high temptature before. Duly felted, I added the press stud fastener that came with the kit. The kit also included seven lovely buttons for embellishment, but I decided to add a few more from my extensive button collection. There are 17 on it now....

I was really pleased with the Sheepfold kit and I've just sent for one of their zipped pencil case kits.

Time for more chunky next. I got some wonderful Rowan Big Wool from Attica Yarns, which is based just near where I work. Using 15mm needles, I made a simple garter stitch scarf with 15 stitches. To finish off, I added some tassles, using instructions I found in Knitty Gritty: Knitting for the Absolute Beginner by Aneeta Patel. I think the scarf is lovely and I'm only sorry it will be about four months until I can wear it.

Next stage is practising purl. I was finding it a bit tough with the 4mm needles so am going to practise a bit with 8mm first...



  1. You're being wonderfully productive - great work on the knitting! I also knit all year round, but prefer working in lace or cotton yarn in the summer months, or making smaller items which don't lie on your lap acting like a blanket!

  2. Thank you! I have always wanted to be able to knit and now I have finally learned the basics, I am getting a bit obsessed with it! Excellent tip about switching over to lighter yarns for the summer months
